Diet is a crucial part of muscle building. Consuming suitable meals in the appropriate portions provides your muscles with the nutrients needed to recover from training and grow bigger and stronger. On the flip side, eating the wrong food or not consuming enough nutrients will leave you with poor results. It's time to master the art of building muscle and eating more protein. Understanding how increasing your protein intake to approximately 30% of your calories can help your muscle gain and weight loss journey.  


Building and Maintaining Muscle

Leaner body mass means a higher resting metabolic rate that helps you maintain your weight and physique easier. Muscle is fundamental to building that toned, shredded body most of us desire. Muscle consists mainly of protein, so it's no surprise that increased protein intakes are required to build additional muscle growth. Extra protein assists you in maintaining your existing fat-free mass when reducing calories, which allows you to optimise fat loss and improve your overall body composition. 


Reduced Fat Storage

Overall, calorie control plays a fundamental role in weight management and eating more protein alone won't prevent fat storage. However, studies suggest protein as the least likely of all the macros stored as body fat when training regularly. Protein macro helps burn more calories than fats and carbohydrates due to their thermogenic properties. When eating protein-rich food, you get a brief boost in energy while the food undergoes digestion, absorption, metabolism and storage of nutrients in your body. 

Reduced Appetite

Protein is the most satisfying macro, making you feel more satisfied and less hungry throughout the day. Of course, it is easier to eat rice consisting of carbohydrates and fried food, primarily fats, than consciously looking for lean chicken breast. However, consuming protein calories helps people eat fewer daily calories, allowing your weight loss journey to be more successful. 


Curbing Sugar Cravings 

Having sugar cravings after a meal is highly common, especially after a heavy carbohydrate and fatty meal. Eating lean meat or fish will help lower these cravings because you would feel more fuller after a meal. Studies suggest the brain recognises protein meals as rewards and increases the level of dopamine, keeping you satisfied and curbing those cravings. If you consider a post-lunch dessert, opt for a protein-rich snack first. This hack can be very effective in reducing sugar cravings.

Timing meals and bedtime 

Packing on more muscles and weight loss requires discipline, especially with mealtime and nutrients. Nutritionists suggest creating a meal plan and following meal times as closely as possible. Begin fueling your body soon after waking up and stopping eating three hours before bedtime. Remember, your body rehabilitates, repairs and builds muscles during your sleep. 


Regardless of your fitness goals, eating more protein is essential for improving your body composition. A meal plan is your greatest muscle-building and fat-torching ally. Meal plans resolve the decision-making process and nutrient counts in one go. Now that's a double whammy in saving time and knowing what and when to eat.